Monday 8 October 2018

AWGB Seminar Oct 2018

I had a fantastic weekend at the AWGB Seminar at Yarnfield Conference Centre last weekend. I took loads of photos, a selection of which I will post here in due course.

On a personal note, I was really pleased on Sunday to see that my "Fire Dragon" piece had been selected to be part of the new AWGB travelling exhibition. 
This piece is a development of my "Green Dragon" bowl; the texture was created with some of the Nick Agar attachments for the mini grinder and a custom pyrography tip which cuts into the wood. The colour uses a similar technique to Green Dragon i.e. acrylic paint and dry brushing plus liquid leaf to highlight some of the pyrographed sections.

I was honoured to find out that my Ebonised Oak Vase had been bought and is now part of The Daniel Collection, a prestigious private collection of turned wood.
This is a hollowed oak vase, textured and ebonised using a vinegar and steel wool mixture which reacts with the oak to turn it black. I added a metallic highlight to emphasise the tops of the ridges.

The third piece exhibited was a Green Dragon bowl. This was newly made for the exhibition, the wood chosen especially for its lovely figuring!

Fire Dragon

Ebonised Oak Vase

Green Dragon

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