Monday 10 August 2015

Artistic Woodturning Exhibition

There will be an exhibition featuring the very best artistic woodturning at the Town Hall, Trowbridge from September 12th to October 10th 2015.

Seventy of the best pieces were selected from the Instant Gallery at the AWGB Seminar in Loughborough, including work from internationally renowned and top UK turners.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that one of my turnings had been chosen! This was the morning after the formal critique of a selection of exhibits carried out by Nick Agar and Ashley Harwood. My heart sank when I realised that my three vases were on the table, ready to be critiqued in front of 200 people! The other three people I was with over the weekend also had items chosen for the critique and I must say that both Nick and Ashley (and Ray Key when asked to comment) were very positive and encouraging!

Here are the three vases I exhibited; all have been hollowed, scorched and the grain enhanced with a contrasting colour. The vase with the gilt cream enhancement will be in the exhibition in Trowbridge.

Vase with gilt cream enhancement

Vase with liming wax enhancement

Vase with verdigris wax enhancement

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